by Marcus Boston | Jan 2, 2018 | Birth Injuries, Blog, Cardiac Malpractice, Emergency Room Errors, Failure or Delay in Cancer Diagnosis, Hospital Infections and Injuries, How Lawsuits Work, Misdiagnoses, Obstetrical Malpractice, Surgical Mistakes, Wrongful Death Cases
Who does what in the courtroom of your Maryland medical malpractice trial? To take things a step further, are you nervous about your Maryland medical malpractice trial because you have no real clue regarding who will be in court the day of your trial? If you...
by Marcus Boston | Nov 7, 2017 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work, Misdiagnoses, Wrongful Death Cases
Are all strokes medical malpractice? From time to time, I am contacted by either a person who has suffered a stroke, or a loved one of someone who has died from a stroke, with the idea that because the person suffered a stroke this is always going to be medical...
by Marcus Boston | Sep 18, 2017 | Blog, Emergency Room Errors, How Lawsuits Work, Misdiagnoses, Wrongful Death Cases
Stroke diagnosis delayed? So now the next question which can sometimes follow is whether this is medical malpractice? One of my main focuses in this Maryland medical malpractice educational article is to explain some of the important areas of analysis in stroke...
by Marcus Boston | Dec 30, 2016 | Birth Injuries, Misdiagnoses
Are strokes on the rise for younger adults? I recently stumbled upon an article regarding the increase in strokes for younger people. The article began by stating that strokes in older individuals are on the decline. However, the opposite is true for those under...
by Marcus Boston | Sep 20, 2016 | Blog, Emergency Room Errors, Hospital Infections and Injuries, Misdiagnoses, Wrongful Death Cases
Did you make this mistake when you were in the emergency room? One of the most frequent issues which come up when we receive a call regarding the emergency room is a misdiagnosis of some medical condition. The misdiagnosis then usually leads to other serious...