Will You Get Your Settlement Check The Same Day After A Successful Medical Malpractice Mediation?

  Following a successful mediation, will the defense pay up the same day? To put the question another way, will you get your settlement check the same day of a successful medical malpractice mediation? The reason for this educational video is because it has been...

Can You Settle Your Medical Malpractice Case After A Lawsuit Is Filed?

  Can you settle your medical malpractice case after a lawsuit is filed? In my experience, from talking to individuals about this issue, there can be confusion surrounding this topic. If you are reading this article and have this question, keep reading, as the...

Do Not Forget About This When Thinking About Filing A Medical Malpractice Case

  When some people are thinking about bringing a medical malpractice case, one of the first things that come to their mind is what the doctor has done to them. The injury, and how it has changed their life can be of primary concern. For someone who has suffered...

Patience Preventing A Medical Malpractice Lawyer From Taking Your Case?

  Patience preventing a medical malpractice lawyer from taking your case? To put it another way, why is it is important to be patient during your Maryland medical malpractice case? Patience is very important for multiple reasons. In this article we will focus on...

Who Does What In The Courtroom Of Your Maryland Medical Malpractice Trial?

  Who does what in the courtroom of your Maryland medical malpractice trial? To take things a step further, are you nervous about your Maryland medical malpractice trial because you have no real clue regarding who will be in court the day of your trial? If you...