by Marcus Boston | Apr 11, 2017 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
Should you always hire a lawyer for your personal injury case, namely a car crash case? To put the question another way, should you always lawyer up when a 3rd party has caused your injury? This is a question that we can get sometimes after people have been on...
by Marcus Boston | Feb 25, 2016 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
Maryland medical malpractice and childbirth injury attorney Marcus Boston explains whether you can tell the jury the doctor has been sued for Maryland medical malpractice in the past. “The guy who crashed into my car has $150,000.00 in insurance coverage!” “Can...
by Marcus Boston | Feb 25, 2016 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice attorney Marcus Boston explains trying to settle your Maryland car accident case and medical malpractice issues. “Mr. Boston I was in a car accident a couple of years ago and I needed to go to the doctor.” “The...
by Marcus Boston | Jun 18, 2015 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
If you have had the time to watch any type of court hearing, you have more than likely had a chance to see the lawyers walk up to the bench to talk with the judge. The question on many people’s minds is what is the purpose of all of this? I mean do they have something...
by Marcus Boston | May 10, 2015 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
The defense attorney or insurance adjuster essentially calling you a liar about your injury? They may not come out and say it to your face (in some cases they might have actually said this), but in essence this is what they are hinting at. CODE WORDS… If the...