Seeking justice for a uterine rupture and a baby’s HIE brain injury is a topic I am going to cover following my previous talk about umbilical cord compression. Keep in mind I will be talking about this subject from a medical-legal viewpoint and a vaginal birth after c- section delivery (VBAC) through a trial of labor after c- section (TOLAC).


Although there has been a historical shift medically with this topic, families must make sure that they are informed heading into this situation. In addition, mothers must be flexible if circumstances change.


Seeking Justice For A Uterine Rupture And A Baby’s HIE Brain Injury


A uterine rupture is just what it says, the uterus ruptures. Generally, if a previous C- Section was performed, the rupture will usually happen from the scar of the previous C- section. With that said, depending on the literature that you read, about 80% of VBACs are successful. As a result, around 20% of VBACs will have problems and when a uterine rupture is a risk, families must enter these situations informed.


When a uterine rupture is present this is an obstetrical emergency. One of the main areas of concern when a uterine rupture happens is mom losing too much blood. Blood loss for mom can be significant because if mom is impacted by blood loss this means that the baby can be adversely impacted.


HIE, or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy is a medical condition that can happen when a baby has a cut-off or reduction of blood and oxygen which can lead a baby to suffer a brain injury. It is easy to see that if mom is suffering from blood loss that this will impact the baby’s blood and oxygen levels.


Below are some of the common risk factors surrounding a TOLAC leading to a VBAC:

  1. No previous successful vaginal delivery


  1. Previous Incision (low transverse is best)


  1. Where are you giving birth? Hospital, Home, Birthing Center


  1. An older mothers.


  1. Baby more than 9 lbs


  1. Prolonged or stalled labor


The above are some of the things that patients should discuss with doctors to be informed on this process. To speak with me further about your baby’s HIE brain injury at birth give me a call at my info below. It does not cost you any money to speak with me initially about your baby’s story.


Marcus B. Boston, Esq.

Boston Law Group, LLC

9701 Apollo Dr. Suite 100

Largo, Maryland 20774


1-833-4 BABY HELP



Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals. BLG handles cases in Prince George’s County, Baltimore City, Montgomery County, Howard County, Anne Arundel County, and all other Maryland Counties. blgesq Maryland birth injury attorneys