An HIE birth Injury with a uterine rupture is something that can occur either during pregnancy or it can occur during labor and delivery. Although a uterine rupture is a rare event, in some cases it can still happen. When a uterine rupture happens it is an obstetrical emergency, and with good reason. For this educational article, and supporting video, we will discuss from a medical legal point of view what is a uterine rupture and how in some cases it can lead to a baby suffering a hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy injury.
What Is A Uterine Rupture?
A uterine rupture is just what it sounds like. The uterus ruptures. This creates an emergency because when it occurs one of the main-areas of concern is for the mother. When the rupture happens exessive bleeding from the mother is something medical professionals must understand.
There are certain risk factors which can increase the risk of a uterine rupture. Below are some of them. They are the following:
- A previous surgery in that region
- Induced labor
- Prolonged labor
- Multiple babies
If you have any of these things going on with your pregnancy and labor and delivery it may be a good idea to speak with your medical professionals regarding the potential risk of a uterine rupture.
An HIE Birth Injury With A Uterine Rupture
An HIE brain injury can be a life altering event for a baby. Not only can a brain injury lead to mental and physical disabilities, in some cases it can mean death. HIE is a reduction in blood and oxygen which can lead to a brain injury. When a uterine rupture is present the mother runs the risk of losing a lot of blood and this can lead to adverse consequences for the baby. Because mother and baby are connected, when mom loses a lot of blood this can in some cases lead to the baby suffering a reduction in oxygenated blood, causing a brain injury.
Where things can also get tricky is when there is a prolonged labor in which the baby’s fetal reserves are depleted and problems for the baby are reflected on the fetal heart strips. Doctors and nurses might see signs of things like late decelerations, prolonged decelerations, minimal or absent variability, tackysystole, etc… All of the things mentioned in the above paragraph require the medical professionals to act accordingly with the standard of care. Failure to do so can also lead to the baby suffering an HIE injury.
If your baby suffered an HIE injury and you had a prolonged labor with a uterine rupture and you have questions as to your options. I invite you to contact me at my info below. I speak with families like yours all the time about their babies stories and I would be happy to listen to your story.
Marcus B. Boston, Esq.
9701 Apollo Dr. Suite 100
Largo, Maryland 20774
1-833-4 BABY HELP