One barrier for families looking for help with their baby’s birth injury is cost. In other words, how much does it cost to hire a birth injury attorney. The issue of cost can prevent families from moving forward, or even asking preliminary questions as to the underline cause of their baby’s injury at birth. For some families it is a relief to learn that the cost issue, especially upfront, may not be as “high” as initially imagined.
As I have noted in previous articles which turn on issues such as this, the information that I am providing is general in nature and should be taken as such. For specific questions as to your set of facts, be sure to speak with your attorney on your issues.
Hiring By The Hour?
It has been my experience that for some families, the idea of trying to afford an attorney by the hour to investigate the circumstances surrounding their baby’s brain injury can be overwhelming. Part of this is because many attorneys who have years of experience can be costly to hire by the hour. As a result of the above, hiring an attorney by the hour for birth injury cases can extremely expensive and may not be the best option for some families.
The Contingency Fee Agreement…
To remedy the “by the hour” attorney arrangement, states like Maryland have what is called the contingency fee agreement. One important feature of the contingency fee agreement is that it allows the client/family to be able to allow the attorney to put up the money to advance the case on the front end and recover the costs and legal fees at the conclusion of the case. This can be in the form of settlement or a jury verdict.
The contingency fee agreement is one that will be executed in writing and signed by all the parties to the case. Like an hourly agreement contract, as mentioned above, the terms of the contingency fee agreement will be spelled out for both sides.
How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Birth Injury Attorney?
Hopefully now the question of how much does it cost to hire a birth injury attorney is better understood in the context of the contingency fee agreement. Before I close, I want to make sure that you remember to ask for clarity regarding any fee agreement contract that you sign with an attorney. If a term does not make sense, be sure to get clarification before signing.
If you have more questions regarding your baby’s brain injury at birth, I invite you to pick up the phone and call me. My contact information is below, and I would love to take some time and listen to your baby’s story.
Marcus B. Boston, Esq.
2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
1-833-4 BABY HELP