In today’s educational article I am going to talk more about the birth entry investigation. With that said, the focus is going to be a birth injury investigation you can afford. In other words, I am going to deal with a critical issue for some people which, by the way, prevents them from reaching out for help, and that is the cost associated with doing a birth injury investigation.
Before going forward, I want to remind you that the information contained in this article and supporting video is how we at Boston Law Group, LLC handle matters. If you are looking to speak with another attorney or law firm be sure to understand how that particular attorney or law firm handles these issues. The reason being is because in some cases there can be differences as to how attorneys and law firms handle the initial investigation.
Prior to telling a client or potential family that we think they have a bird injury claim we like to investigate the critical issues before hand. The reason we do this is because the law requires certain things in birth injury and medical malpractice cases. For example, we must prove that there was a departure from the standard of care which caused the baby’s injury. If we cannot prove a departure from the standard of care and causation as to the injury, the case will not be successful.
To be able to have a good grasp on the issues in the above paragraph, we like to review the appropriate medical records and get opinions as to what the records may reveal. This includes review of mother’s records and the records from the electronic fetal heart monitor and the baby’s records. It is through this review that medial/legal issues can be analyzed.
The reason this article is named a birth injury investigation you can afford is because here at Boston Law Group, LLC we will not charge you for our initial investigation into whether your child’s birth injury was due to malpractice. As was explained above, we must have a good idea as to the answers to those questions before we can move further. Some law firms might do it another way but for us this has proved to be the best way for us.
One other thing before I close this article and that is a birth injury investigation can not only help you understand the malpractice aspect of things, it can also help a family find answers to their questions, specifically what caused the injury at birth. For some families that we speak with we may not be able to help them from a medical malpractice standpoint, but we can in many instances give them an idea as to what may have happened during labor and delivery. To speak with me further about your baby’s birth injury there is a telephone number down below. Go ahead and pick up the phone and call me, as I speak with families like yours all the time and I will be happy to hear your story.
Marcus B. Boston, Esq.
2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
1-833-4 BABY HELP