In today’s educational video I am going to discuss the initial 3 steps following a birth injury. This is in the context of a family having some preliminary questions about the birth injury investigation process usually following an HIE injury.
While helping families, I have come to discover that for some parents taking the step to reach out for help can be a hard one period after reading this article and watching the supporting video you should have a good outline of what to expect during the early process.
STEP 1: What Is Your Story?
In the initial 3 steps following a birth injury, the first thing we want to do is get your story. We need to have a good understanding of the issues from your point of view. We will ask you questions which will help fill in the pieces of the puzzle surrounding your baby’s injury. The questions will center around what your pregnancy like was, to questions about what was happening during labor and delivery. To get a better understanding of these issues download our free birth injury investigation checklist located in any blog article on our website.
STEP 2: Review Of Medical Records
The second step of the process will be to review the medical records. If you by chance already have your records, then we will have you to email or mail us a copy. For families who do not have the records we will send you a medical records authorization so the records can be sent to us for review.
As a side, if you are looking to request the medical records on your own, be sure to request mom and baby’s records as both sets are needed. In addition, you want to make sure that the readings from the electronic fetal heart monitor are included in the records. The requests for these records will more than likely have to be in writing and you will want to make the request for a CD/disk or other electronic means for cost saving purposes.
STEP 3: Medical Records Review
The last step in the initial three steps following a birth injury is to have the medical records reviewed by the appropriate medical experts. Although we as birth injury attorneys will also initially review the records, if we see possible medical legal issues, we will have to see if the issues presented depart from the standard of care, causing the injury.
State law is specific on this issue of medical experts. If experts conclude that there was no departure from the standard of care causing the injury, the case will not move forward.
If you would like to speak with me further my contact information is below. I would be happy to talk with you further about these issues.
Marcus B. Boston, Esq.
2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
1-833-4 BABY HELP