In an HIE investigation, we are sometimes asked during our initial interview with a family about an HIE prognosis. This is an issue that can arise during a medical legal discussion regarding possible long-term care issues. Because life-care plans and other long-term tools are needed to figure the damages (the harm done) portions of these claims, it is understandable why parents might have questions regarding HIE prognosis issues.
Before going into the discussion below, please remember that this information I am posting is general in nature and based on our experience with these cases. Your child’s doctor will always be able to give more information regarding specific prognosis issues relevant to your child’s situation.
As I stated above, when we put these cases together or families, we must map out all of the needs that a child may face not only today, but into the future. To do this we use the expertise of professionals called certified life-care planners. Certified life-care planners understand disability and how it can impact not only medical needs, but also other issues like possible future employment.
A long-term prognosis can be helpful because it can assist in understanding the future needs of the child. For these cases, you want to be sure that you bring all the claims when you file because you will rarely get a “do over.” In legal speak this is phrased as you only get one bite at the apple.
From a medical legal standpoint, we have seen the impact of an HIE diagnosis vary. One concept to understand is that no two children will be impacted the exact same way when dealing with a traumatic brain injury. This is because there are so many factors which can be present from one child’s situation to another.
Because HIE deals with a reduction in blood and oxygen, which leads to a brain injury, the severity of the reduction of blood and oxygen will be important factors which looking to understand a future prognosis. The more severe the reduction of blood and oxygen the more challenges a child might face in general. This is one reason why a family cannot look at one child’s diagnosis and assume the same will hold true for their child.
If you have more questions about these issues regarding your child’s HIE diagnosis, my contact information is down below. I would be happy to speak with you about your story.
Marcus B. Boston, Esq.
2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
1-833-4 BABY HELP