So, the question basically boiled down to is there a cure for HIE and CP? CP in this article and supporting video is short for cerebral palsy. The background for this question stems from a video that I did a few days ago explaining how a HIE diagnosis, which can be a traumatic brain injury, can lead to a CP diagnosis in some children later down the line.

For families who are dealing with this issue, know that there are professionals who may be able to help. In addition, you are not alone in this journey.




HIE, or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, in this context is a reduced level of blood and oxygen which can lead to a brain injury. A HIE injury can happen during labor and delivery in some instances. Confusion for parents can arise when mom has a pretty uneventful pregnancy, but there is now a traumatic brain injury present at birth. At the conclusion of labor and delivery, a family might see that their baby is blue in color, or is floppy, or, has problems breathing and needs assistance, or has low Apgar scores, among other things.


Fetal heart monitors are used to help prevent conditions like HIE because the monitors help assess fetal well-being. When the monitor reveals fetal distress, this can be a sign of possible blood and oxygen problems for the baby. As I stated above, blood and oxygen problems, unchecked can lead to a potential HIE diagnosis.




The short answer to the question is there a cure for HIE and CP, is no. There are treatments and therapies that can be done, but no cure. One of the big problems is that blood and oxygen restriction can injury the brain. We are not at a point in which we can “fix” these types of injures to the brain.


With that said, in some cases, a baby that is dealing with HIE might meet the criteria for hypothermia cooling. This procedure looks to help with the brain injury. However, it cannot cure the injury.


Because CP is a movement disorder, which stems from an area(s) of the brain which is injured, it too does not currently have a “cure.” With resources, things like physical therapy, occupational therapy, horse therapy, etc… along with braces and other medical devices, children are able to live the best life possible.




If you have questions about your baby’s brain injury at birth, I would be happy to speak with you. We help families find answers regarding the cause of their baby’s brain injury, as this is what we do. To speak with me further this is what I invite you to do. Pick up the phone and give me a call. The issues range from what we talked about in above regarding HIE, but also cerebral palsy and other birth trauma issues.


You can reach me at 301-850-4832.


Marcus B. Boston, Esq.

Boston Law Group, LLC

2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700

Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815


1-833-4 BABY HELP

Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals. BLG handles cases in Prince George’s County, Baltimore City, Montgomery County, Howard County, Anne Arundel County, and all other Maryland Counties. blgesq Maryland birth injury attorneys