What is the HIE outlook for a newborn baby? To put the question another way, how will a HIE diagnosis impact a baby for the long term? When doctors inform parents that their baby has suffered a brain injury, there can be many questions, and rightfully so. With that said, it is important to understand why a HIE outlook for a newborn baby will vary.
At the conclusion of this birth injury article, you will understand from a medical legal position why the outlook will vary and how doctors can work to lessen the chances of a baby having a brain injury during birth. As with any medical condition, speak with your child’s doctor regarding specific diagnosis questions.
HIE, or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, is a medical condition which can occur when there is a reduced level of blood and oxygen, which leads to a brain injury. In the context of labor and delivery, there can be many factors which can cause a baby to have a reduced level of blood and oxygen during the process, with one of them being a compression of the umbilical cord.
The HIE outlook for a newborn will vary depending on the severity of the injury to the brain and what part(s) of the brain are injured. As a result, each child who has an HIE diagnosis may see the diagnosis impact them in a different way. In other words, you cannot base your baby’s outlook just on “watching” another baby with a HIE diagnosis. One baby may have a HIE diagnosis and long term, the impact is minimal or hardly existent. On the flip side of things, another baby may have a HIE diagnosis which presents them with more challenges.
Parents can get an early peak at what may possibly lie ahead by looking to find answers regarding what part(s) of the brain have been injured, and how this type of injury might impact their baby moving into the future. This can be done by getting clarification as to any early brain scans/imaging and other tests.
In some cases, doctors and nurses can work to help prevent a brain injury at birth by monitoring the readings from the electronic fetal heart monitor and keep a close eye on whether a baby is tolerating a vaginal delivery. If a baby is in fetal distress, and the distress is not properly diagnosed and treated, a baby can suffer a brain injury due to a reduced level of blood and oxygen.
One type of way birth injury attorneys like myself work to attempt to better the HIE Outlook for a newborn is with the help of life care planners. Life care planners work to put together a plan which is used to take into consideration all the things that a baby will need throughout their life. Not only does this plan consider the things needed early in life, but it also projects the needs into adulthood.
In these cases, the life care planner will be sent out to the home to meet with the family and do an assessment. This assessment will consider, among other things, the living arrangements, the parents’ interactions with the baby, the set up of the home (ranch vs. split level), medical device accessibility, transportation methods, etc.….These assessments work to help the baby have the best chance possible meeting future challenges!
If you would like to speak with me further about the challenges that you and your family face with your baby’s HIE diagnosis, this is what I invite you to do. Pick up the phone and call me. I can be reached for further discussion at 301-850-4832. I talk with families all the time about HIE and birth trauma related injuries and I would be happy to listen to your story.
Marcus B. Boston, Esq.
2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
1-833-4 BABY HELP