HIE and developmental milestones is an important topic for parents who have a child diagnosed with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. Depending on the severity of the HIE diagnosis, sometimes parents may not be able to notice deficits early on in life. This is because in some cases, a brain injury may manifest itself in different ways from child to child.
Below I will talk about some ways to help understand possible milestone challenges your child might face in the future following an HIE diagnosis, and why developmental milestones are important from a medical legal standpoint. As with any diagnosis, talk with your medical professional for specific medical questions.
When a baby is born and has suffered a brain injury, there can be a lot happening at once for a family. From what caused this injury, to what lies ahead, these questions, and more, confront families. Working with doctors to get an understanding of the injury can go a long way in possibly predicting some of the challenges a baby may face.
Remember, HIE, or hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, is a reduced level of blood and oxygen, which leads to a brain injury. During labor and delivery, certain actions can lead to a reduced level of blood and oxygen. For example, if the umbilical cord becomes compressed in some way, this can lead to the baby receiving a reduction in blood and oxygen.
Following a HIE diagnosis, parents should follow up with doctors regarding what part(s) of the brain has been injured. This information can be helpful because it may help alert to the type of challenges your baby may face. For example, if an area of the brain that controls motor skills is injured, this may provide a peak into some of the things your baby may need assistance in the future. The results of MRIs, CT scans, etc.…. may provide light on these issues.
As a child ages, there will be things that they learn and discover, as time passes. With that said, no child will develop the exact same way. Some may learn certain tasks faster than others and develop other tasks slower than other children the same age. The main point is that parents should take the time and pay close attention to the development of their children.
HIE and developmental milestones can be impacted in some cases because of the occurrence of the brain injury. As I said, above, parents may not be able to notice any immediate problems if the severity of the injury is “slight.” However, as the child ages there may be milestones that the child cannot meet. For example, if the area of the brain which handles movement is injured, there may be developmental milestones surrounding movement that the child struggles to meet.
Knowing this can allow for parents to speak with doctors and gather possible treatment options for the child. Some of these options may include physical, occupational, and other types of therapy. As I already mentioned, be sure to talk with your child’s doctor regarding specific treatment options.
If your baby has an HIE diagnosis, and you have questions, we can talk. A HIE diagnosis can sometimes lead to a CP, or cerebral palsy diagnosis, and that is something else that we can talk about if you are facing this too.
I can be reached for further discussion at 301-850-4832. I talk with families all the time about birth trauma related injuries and I would be happy to listen to your story.
Marcus B. Boston, Esq.
2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
1-833-4 BABY HELP