When a family is informed that their baby has suffered an injury at birth, there can be a lot of questions. From how this happened, to what is next, questions can overwhelm the mind. As a result, parents are generally concerned with what types of medical treatment will their baby need to get better. With that said, mistakes can be made by parents during their quest to find answers, with a big mistake dealing with forgetting costs with medical treatment after a birth injury.


In this birth injury article, I will discuss why forgetting costs with medical treatment after a birth injury can lead to problems down the road. From an educational standpoint, this information can help you make the best decisions moving forward for your baby.




Because of our close work with parents, we have an opportunity to listen to the issues which are important to some parents when they are informed that their baby has a birth injury, namely a brain injury. These parents get a lot of their initial information from not only online websites, but they also get information from social media support groups.


These support groups can go a long way in helping parents get the information needed regarding possible treatment options, and other support. We have also been told that some of these groups have an “anti-lawyer” feel to them, as some members push the idea that “doctors will always do what’s right for a baby.” In my experience this is so far from the truth. When doctors and nurses cause brain injuries, and other trauma, they should be held responsible for making the family whole.


This making the family whole goes to the point of helping families deal with the medical costs. It is only fair that the people responsible for the injury, put cash on the table to help with future care and treatment, a direct opposite view of the issue pushed by some.


The truth of the matter is that medical treatment in America COSTS. It is not “free” for the most part (even “programs” which provide help must have funding from somewhere). When families are forgetting costs with medical treatment after a birth injury, they are making a mistake with their analysis, when others are the cause of the injury.




When others are responsible for a baby’s brain injury at birth (medical professionals falling below the standard of care causing the injury), attorneys will look to life care plans to help with the costs of treatment over the child’s life. These plans take into consideration everything that will be needed based on your baby’s needs. So, wheelchairs, diapers, wipes, medical treatment, home renovations, etc.…will be included. All these things will be projected out over the child’s life, with an economist placing a value on the increasing costs into the future.


The existence of life care plans are not readily known by a lot of people, and can go unused because families in cases in which they can be used, either do not know of their existence, or conclude, “we don’t need no stinking lawyer” to help us, thus leaving their child to “chance” when they, as parents are no longer able to care for them. As the title of the article says, “MISTAKE! Forgetting costs with medical treatment after a birth injury.”


Marcus B. Boston, Esq.

Boston Law Group, LLC

2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700

Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815



1-833-4 BABY HELP

Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals. BLG handles cases in Prince George’s County, Baltimore City, Montgomery County, Howard County, Anne Arundel County, and all other Maryland Counties. blgesq.com