How To Get The Jump On A Birth Injury Or Medical Malpractice Case?

Are you wondering how to get the jump on a birth injury or medical malpractice case? Another way to understand this question is are you wondering what you can do yourself to start the process regarding a potential birth injury or medical malpractice claim? These...

Does A Bad Result Equal A Slam Dunk Medical Malpractice Claim?

So, the question is does a bad result equal a slam dunk medical malpractice claim? For some people, their understanding is that if they have suffered an injury and they were in the care of a doctor or a hospital at the time, this must mean that medical malpractice...

How Do Doctors Know Of Your Malpractice Claim?

  How do doctors know of your malpractice claim? To put the question another way, how will the doctor you claim caused your injury, understand your allegations against them? This was a question we fielded from an individual who wanted to make sure that their...