Are you a bad mother for reaching out to a birth injury attorney? If you are reading this article and feel this way, know that you are not alone in your feelings. Often, not only is this a question on the minds of mothers and families, but the question is sometimes followed up with, if I’m not a bad mother, how do I pay for help for my baby’s needs?


I have taken the time to write this Maryland birth injury educational article to help families, who are currently going to this situation, in the private, get the answers to some of their questions. Because not everyone is ready to immediately reach out to a birth injury attorney, this can be a great medium to get answers.






Because most of us are raised to be “self-sufficient” and take care of our own “issues,” it is easy to understand how some mothers ponder the question, am I a bad mother for reaching out to a birth injury attorney? This question is totally understandable for some mothers to wonder.



Even though we are taught to take care of our own problems, we also understand that as a society, we hold those responsible for the harm(s) they cause to others. There are examples of this all throughout society. From a personal example, I remember growing up, if my brother and I damaged the property of a neighbor, our father would speak with our neighbor and make things right because as children, we were his responsibility (of course we would have to work to make up what he did).



In my opinion, you are not a bad mother because you are acting to hold those responsible for causing injury to your baby. Because your baby will have future challenges, there is no shame in making the people and or entities responsible, pay their fair share for the harm caused.






Before getting too deep into this question, I want to remind you that you should be sure to ask the specific attorney you are looking to hire for your situation specific questions regarding your case. The information that I am going to post is general in nature and will give you a brief overview of the issue.



In Maryland, birth injury attorneys, and many personal injury attorneys for that matter, use a tool called a contingency fee agreement to help families hire attorneys. The contingency fee agreement allows the attorney to “front” the costs of the case, and collect the legal fee and costs fronted at the conclusion of the case. The conclusion of the case can be through either settlement or through a jury verdict, or findings of fact from a fact finder. A contingency fee agreement can be a life saver for families with little resources to prosecute their claim.



A word of caution before you sign a fee agreement. Be sure that you understand all the terms and conditions before you sign. If you do not understand the agreement, make sure that you have the attorney explain the terms to you before you sign. Each attorney may have slightly different terms in their agreements.







It is my hope after reading the above, and watching the corresponding video, you have a better understanding of the question, are you a bad mother for reaching out to a birth injury attorney? If anything, I think that it is admirable that you have the motivation to advocate on behalf of your child.



To speak with me further about what is happening with your baby I invite you to call me. I can be reached at 301-850-4832. These top 3 birth injury and medical malpractice questions should get your mind focused on some of the issues present in these types of cases.



I talk with families regarding birth injuries dealing with the brain, cerebral palsy, and other types of injuries all the time and I would be happy to listen to what happened with you and your baby.



Marcus B. Boston, Esq.

Boston Law Group, LLC

2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700

Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815


1-833-4 BABY HELP


Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals. BLG handles cases in Prince George’s County, Baltimore City, Montgomery County, Howard County, Anne Arundel County, and all other Maryland Counties.