Stroke diagnosis delayed? So now the next question which can sometimes follow is whether this is medical malpractice? One of my main focuses in this Maryland medical malpractice educational article is to explain some of the important areas of analysis in stroke injury cases.


Because of the devastating nature of strokes, it is common for a person, or a loved one, to have questions regarding the injury. With that said, a complete review of the facts is one of the first steps in the process to get answers.




Before discussing the basic two types of strokes, let us define the medical condition. A stroke occurs when there is a blockage of oxygen and other nutrients in a vessel leading to the brain. According to data, strokes are the 5th leading cause of death in the United States.


Strokes can essentially be broken down into two types. The first type is called an ischemic stroke (blood clot), with the second type called a hemorrhagic stroke (bleed). Understanding the type of stroke is important because the treatment options will depend on the type of stroke.




One of the first questions a medical malpractice attorney will ask when a stroke is the issue is what are the facts? What happened? The facts will lay the groundwork as to the legal analysis. For example, what lead up to the stroke? Was the person who suffered the stroke at home or at the hospital when the stroke occurred? If the stroke occurred at the hospital, what if anything did the medical professionals do regarding care?


When a stroke diagnosis is delayed, what we can see in some instances is that the medical professionals will ignore some of the signs which should alert them that the patient is suffering from a stroke. These signs can be facial drooping and drooling, weakness on one side of the body, slurred speech, among other things. If these signs are missed, then we can see a stroke diagnosis delayed.


The use of a CT scan can be helpful because it can detail the type of stroke. For example, if the scan reveals a stroke due to a clot, then clot busting drugs might help. You would not want to give blood thinners a stroke caused by a bleed.




To speak with me further regarding the issues surround a stroke, pick up the phone and give me call. I can talk with you and help you understand if your situation rises to that of medical malpractice in Maryland.


The phone number is 301-850-4832. I answer medical malpractice questions like yours all the time and I would be happy to listen to your story.



Marcus B. Boston, Esq.

Boston Law Group, LLC

2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 700

Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815



Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals. BLG handles cases in Prince George’s County, Baltimore City, Montgomery County, Howard County, Anne Arundel County, and all other Maryland Counties.