How Do You Handle An OBJECTION During YOUR DEPOSITION Testimony?

How do you handle an objection during your deposition testimony? You are testifying during your deposition and all of a sudden you hear objection from one of the attorneys what do you do? If you have never given a deposition before this may confuse you. As a matter of...

Defense Says You Are LYING About YOUR INJURY What Is One Way To Counter Their Point?

  From car crashes, to slip and falls, to all other types of injuries at the hands of others, one point of contention in many of these cases deals with essentially how hurt is the injured party. In some of these cases the defense says you are lying about your...

How Long Will It Take? The Medical Malpractice Process In Maryland

  How long will it take? To put the question another way, will you be able to get through a Maryland medical malpractice case in a couple of months? The inspiration for this educational article came from a conversation I recently had with an individual.   He...