Your baby was born blue, do you have these same concerns as a mother? The previous question is one which can create a lot of concern in parents, and rightfully so. Seeing your baby was born blue in color may not be something you expect.


With that said, not every situation in which a child is blue in color will mean things are “wrong” so to speak. It is when the child is blue and there are other issues present, such as seizures for example, or that the child is blue for a considerable amount of time, that further medical investigation may be needed.


As for the concerns mother’s concerns above, they stemmed from a later cerebral palsy diagnosis and 1) whether the actions or inaction of the doctors and hospital staff where the cause of the brain injury and 2) how does one go about proving that the doctors were the cause of the injury.





Before I explain the two questions above stemming from your baby was born blue, I would like to give you some background as to what lead up to the concerns. First, the mother had a pretty uneventful pregnancy.


She was not a high risk mother and she was sure to follow all of the instructions of her doctor. Add to this, she was sure to keep all of her prenatal appointments.


As we fast forward to the day of delivery, when she checked in to the hospital there was heavy meconium present when her water broke. The nurses and doctor noted this.


Also, during delivery she was turned on her side a lot and given oxygen to aid in delivery.


Once she had completed a vaginal delivery, she, and her family, noticed that the baby was blue and did not cry. As a matter of fact, there were very little sounds coming from her baby.


Oxygen was given to the baby and suction was performed before the child was handed off to the NICU team.




As time went on, the mother noticed that her baby was not meeting the same milestones as other children the baby’s age. Eventually, the baby was given a cerebral palsy diagnosis and the mother eventually reached out for help from an attorney.





To prove a child birth injury case in Maryland you will need the help of medical experts. These experts will review the medical records and give an opinion as to the standard of care associated with the case. In addition, the experts will explain whether the treating doctor strayed away from the standard of care causing the injury.


In the case above, it was the opinion of the medical experts for baby and the mother that there was a departure from the standard of care. Notably, the fetal heart strips revealed disturbing information regarding the baby’s heart rate and variability, among other things.




Your baby was born blue? Do you also have questions like the mother above? If so you can give me a call at 301-850-4832.


I answer Maryland child birth injury and medical malpractice questions all the time and I would be happy to listen to your story.


Boston Law Group, LLC

2 Wisconsin Circle

Suite 700

Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815


Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals.