My baby needed help during delivery Mr. Boston. But I don’t think that the doctors realized it. Was there something that they could have done because now I am being told that my baby has suffered a brain injury and I want to know was there something that could have been done?
The above is an exchange and experience that many parents thankfully do not have to endure. However, unfortunately there are some who must.
The purpose of this Maryland birth injury educational article is to explain the use of intrauterine resuscitation measures when fetal distress is detected during the course of a vaginal delivery. Many of these measures are done while mother and baby are being prepared for an emergency C-section.
Even though Maryland child birth injury cases are very fact specific, there are some things which can be present in many of the cases, for example, the presence of meconium. By itself meconium may not prove that a baby is in distress, but coupled with other factors it may suggest problems with a vaginal delivery.
Meconium is the baby’s stool and in some cases it will be released right before delivery. When this substance is present doctors have to note it and pay close attention to mom and baby during the remainder of the delivery.
The fetal heart monitor is a device used during a vaginal delivery to help assist doctors and nurses in determining whether the baby is handling the delivery well. When used properly it can help doctors identify fetal distress through non-reassuring readings.
When meconium is present and the fetal heart monitor is displaying information which should cause concern for doctors and nurses, these professionals have to look to help out mom and baby!
When doctors realize that the baby is having a hard time, there are measures that they can take to help the baby. For example, doctors and nurses can have mom to change positions.
Add to this, doctors and nurses can discontinue the use of oxytocin if there is an induced or augmented labor. Also, the use of oxygen can be implemented to help mom and the baby.
These are but some of the intrauterine resuscitation measures that can be used to help when the baby looks to be struggling with a vaginal delivery. With that said, if the baby’s condition is serious doctors need to be moving to an emergency C-section as soon as possible.
Baby needed help during delivery and now has a brain injury?
To speak with me further about your baby’s birth related injury this is what I invite you to do, and this next action costs nothing on your part.
Pick up the phone and give me a call.
I can be reached at 301-850-4832.
I answer Maryland birth injury questions like yours all the time and I would be happy to listen to your story.
Boston Law Group, LLC
2 Wisconsin Circle
Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815