When To Hire A Maryland Medical Malpractice Lawyer
When do I hire a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer, or a Maryland personal injury lawyer for that matter?
This question is generally on the minds of any individual who has recently been injured while in the care of a doctor or hospital, or have had a loved one recently pass away because of suspected medical malpractice.
Contrary to what you may think, due to what you have watched on TV or online other places, not every injury requires a Maryland injury lawyer.
What I always say is that the client has to be true to themselves.
As a side note before I get too deep into this educational article, the ultimate decision maker in this process of whether to hire a Maryland medical malpractice or personal injury lawyer is up to the client, period.
The short answer to the above question is that if you think that your injury was caused by a doctor or hospital it is probably going to be in your best interests to speak with a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer as soon as you can.
This is because these cases take a lot of time to not only investigate, but to get through the Maryland civil court system.
Maryland medical malpractice cases can be a lot different from auto collision personal injury cases because medical malpractice cases mandate that a medical expert is needed to give opinions regarding critical issues in the case.
However, with a car injury case, medical experts are not mandatory.
The more time your Maryland medical malpractice lawyer has to investigate the issues your cases presents, the better.
People looking to hire a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer have to understand that the process will take a long time in general to complete.
This is because, like I mentioned above, an investigation has to take place and medical experts have to be consulted.
When a client is in a hurry to get a medical malpractice case done in say a month or two, my suggestion to them is that it is probably not in their best interest to file the case.
Add to this, it is my opinion that you probably should not file this type of case without the help of a Maryland lawyer.
On the other hand, for car collision cases it may be in your best interest to move forward with the case without a lawyer if your feel that the offer the insurance company is offering you is acceptable and you know deep down that you will not be able to, for example, keep up with all of your medical treatments.
If you are looking for more information on when to hire a Maryland medical malpractice lawyer, or if you would just like to speak with me regarding a possible Maryland medical malpractice injury this is what I invite you to do.
Pick up the phone and give me a call.
I can be reached at 301-850-4832.
I answer Maryland medical malpractice and child birth injury questions like yours all the time and I would be happy to listen to your story.
Boston Law Group, LLC
2 Wisconsin Circle
Suite 700
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815