by Marcus Boston | Mar 31, 2016 | Blog, Emergency Room Errors, Medical News, Surgical Mistakes
A Sepsis infection is a medical condition that can lead to organ failure. Actress Patty Duke, recently passed away at the age of 69 from this condition. Sepsis kills more than 258,000 Americans a year. Most people can recover from sepsis, when it’s caught in...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 31, 2016 | Birth Injuries, Blog, Cardiac Malpractice, Emergency Room Errors, Failure or Delay in Cancer Diagnosis, Hospital Infections and Injuries, How Lawsuits Work, Misdiagnoses, Obstetrical Malpractice, Surgical Mistakes, Wrongful Death Cases
The Doctor Said I’m Sorry For What Happened… The doctor said I’m sorry to you and now you are wondering is this proof that he or she committed medical malpractice in your situation? This is a question that often crosses the minds of individuals who contact my...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 29, 2016 | Blog, Medical News
Can exercise keep you mentally sharp as you get older? A study in Neurology concluded that as people get older those who exercise regularly experienced a slower rate of mental decline. In this study 876 people with an average age of 71 participated. Of those...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 29, 2016 | Blog, Failure or Delay in Cancer Diagnosis, Medical News
Can mammogram help detect heart disease? Researchers may have found how mammograms can help with detecting heart disease in patients. Mammograms are currently being used to determine the health of breasts, with many women getting the jump on cancer treatment with this...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 23, 2016 | Birth Injuries, Blog, Medical News, Misdiagnoses
A new genetic test looks to improve diabetes diagnosis. The wrong diagnosis can happen when a person is mistakenly diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes and the diagnosis should have been Type 2, and vice versa. Numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 22, 2016 | Blog, Cardiac Malpractice, Medical News
Are heart disease rates down in the United States (“US”)? A study is now looking at what the numbers actually reveal on the issue. Add to this, heart disease cases are changing from region to region, according to reports. Whereas in the past the Northeast had the...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 20, 2016 | Blog, Failure or Delay in Cancer Diagnosis, Medical News
Does survival rate increase if both breasts are removed, even though the breast cancer can only be found in one breast? Understandably, this is a question which may cross the minds of many women who are dealing with breast cancer. I remember one of the very...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 20, 2016 | Blog, Medical News
Women outlive men in general but researchers in the United States (“US”) have decided to look more closely at what the numbers reveal. According to relevant statistics, heart disease was the number one cause of death for women in the US in 2013, the most current year...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 19, 2016 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
What Should I Wear To Court Explains Prince George’s County Medical Malpractice Lawyer? What should I wear to court in my Maryland medical malpractice trial is a question that can sometimes cross the minds of individuals who are dealing with an upcoming trial...
by Marcus Boston | Mar 17, 2016 | Birth Injuries, Blog
Can You Sue In Maryland For Baby Brain Injury, Explains Prince George’s County Birth Injury Lawyer Marcus Boston Can I sue in Maryland for baby brain injury at birth? This is a question that crosses the minds of many parents when their child has suffered...