Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice attorney Marcus Boston explains why doctors have to pay close attention to a high fetal heart rate baseline and tachycardia.


We were recently contacted by a mother who had recently given birth to a child who had experienced seizures at birth.

Not only did the baby suffer from seizures, but he had very poor respiratory effort.

As a result, the baby was handed off to the NICU.

Later after a vaginal delivery mom learned that when her water broke there was the heavy presence of meconium.

In addition to all of the above, it was discovered that the baby had a high fetal heart rate baseline which had reached well over 165 beats per minute (this is a condition called tachycardia), topping out at 185, for a considerable amount of time during labor and delivery.

With all of this going on, mom’s main question for me was with my baby’s high fetal heart rate baseline, was this the cause of the injury and if so could something else have been done?


How Do We Prove Cases Like These?


Under Maryland law, medical experts are needed to prove cases like this.

These experts will give a medical opinion as to whether the treating doctor fell below the standard of care, causing your child’s injury.

An easy way to understand standard of care is what would a reasonable and prudent doctor do under the same set of circumstances?

If your medical expert concludes that the treating doctor did not fall below the standard of care, but gave good and acceptable medical care, then your case is more than likely going to fail.


Does A High Baseline Fetal Heart Rate Always Mean Malpractice?


When analyzing potential Maryland medical malpractice cases it is always good to look at the entire record and the case as a whole.

The reason this is the case is because these matters have a lot of moving parts.

Until you can answer other questions you may not be able to come to a strong conclusion.

For example, how often did the baby’s heart rate spike?

Was it only one time during an 11 hour labor and delivery or did the baseline stay well above 165 for a long time (average Fetal Heart Rate is around 120-160).

Another issue is whether there is the presence of meconium?

Meconium is stool and can alert doctors and nurses that mother and baby need to be closely under surveillance for an emergency C-section if necessary.


Mr. Boston Will You Help Me And My Child?


To speak with me further about your situation this is what I invite you to do.

Pick up the phone and give me a call.

It costs you nothing to call me.

I can answer your Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice questions, as I answer questions like yours all the time.

You can reach me at 301-850-4832.


Boston Law Group, LLC

2 Wisconsin Circle

Suite 700

Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815

Maryland Medical Malpractice Trial Attorneys



Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals.