by Marcus Boston | Oct 29, 2015 | Birth Injuries, Blog
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS) At Birth Whenever a child is born and there seems to be “problems,” no matter how large or small, parents get concerned, and rightfully so. One of these areas of concerns for parents can appear when they are informed that their child...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 27, 2015 | Birth Injuries, Blog
Medical Bills And How Maryland law Treats Them In A Childbirth Injury Case. “The medical bills!” “The medical bills are piling up on us Mr. Boston.” “Not only are we getting bills from the hospital, but the doctors are now sending bills and we still have to go see...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 21, 2015 | Birth Injuries, Blog
Understanding The Filing Of A Frivolous Maryland Childbirth Injury Case “We’re not people like that Mr. Boston.” “We work hard for what we have and we don’t want to be like those people who file frivolous cases.” The above statements are those in which we hear...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 19, 2015 | Birth Injuries, Blog
“But Mr. Boston I don’t want to seem greedy or have my friends think we’re the type of people looking to sue at the drop of a hat?” “I mean we’re not people like that…” The above statements were made to me by a parent who was concerned that the delivery room doctors...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 12, 2015 | Birth Injuries, Blog
Did They Say Your Child’s Birth Brain Injury Was Genetic? Your child’s birth brain injury was genetic, according to the doctors? One of reason we are told by parents as the cause of their child’s brain injury at birth is that the injury is genetic. In other words,...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 8, 2015 | Birth Injuries, Blog
Question: Should I Call A Maryland Childbirth Injury Attorney Immediately? “Mr. Boston, I’m not looking to hire a lawyer immediately but I’m wondering if I want to down the line is there something I can do for my baby now?” This was one of the opening lines from a...