As a mom you know that something just did not go right during the vaginal delivery of your child.
The nurses and doctors tried to keep as calm as possible but their faces could not hide all of their concerns.
You know that when your water broke it was heavily stained with meconium.
Thoughts of concern raced through your mind because you know that you had read early in your pregnancy that the presence of this substance could suggest that your child might be in distress.
But to you, in your mind, the medical professionals would take care of any dangers to your child.
Eventually, under the care of your doctor, your baby makes its way into the world.
However, things do not seem to be going right.
Your child is a dark blue in color.
Add to this, the baby has to be resuscitated and the medical professionals have taken your child to the NICU.
While in the NICU, nurses have informed you that your baby has suffered multiple seizures.
After many doctors’ appointments you have been informed that your child’s brain is not developing on schedule like many other children of the same age.
Doctors have used a tern called microcephaly to describe your child’s condition.
According to the doctors, this is the reason that your child’s head is so small.
The doctors tell you that the cause of this is due to a genetic issue between you and your husband.
But when you remember all of the issues during and after the birth you begin to seek out a second opinion.
After getting another team of doctors to look at your child’s fetal heart strips and brain MRI a couple of days after birth, their conclusion differs greatly from your first set of doctors.
One of the first things that is pointed out to your family is that your child’s fetal heart strips show serious late decelerations.
In other words, your child was in distress during the birthing process and in their opinions an emergency C-section should have been performed, raising the question was your child’s small brain after birth due to hypoxia and microcephaly?
The second opinion doctors also reveal to you that based on the injury displayed on the MRI, this is the reason for your child’s developmental delays and small brain.
We are sometimes contacted by families who have had an experience close to what is noted above, and many of them are now looking for answers.
With the big question being was your child’s small brain after birth due to hypoxia and microcephaly?
Sometimes doctors will explain that genetics is the reason for their child’s microcephaly and then point to a cerebral palsy diagnosis (rarely is CP genetic) more than likely later down the road.
In some cases the second opinion doctors will agree with all of the findings of the initial treating doctors, but in some cases, they will conclude that the injury to a child’s brain was not genetic, or due to nature, but due to birth trauma and injury based on the actions or inactions of the medical professionals involved.
If you have went through something similar to the above, and you are wondering was your child’s small brain after birth due to hypoxia and microcephaly, and you know that it is time to find out answers for your child, this is what we invite you to do.
It costs nothing to take this next action, and it is to pick up the phone and give us a call.
We can be reached at 301-850-4832.
We answer Maryland child birth injury and trauma cases like yours all the time and we would be happy to take some time and listen to your story.