After suffering an injury following a medical procedure you start to think about reaching out to a Maryland medical malpractice attorney.
Searching on the internet you find a couple of attorneys who you think may be able to help you.
In addition to using the internet to find an attorney, you also use the internet to “read up” on some of the legal issues you may have to deal with.
As a matter of fact, you do so much “internet reading” that you think that you may be in the same ballpark as an attorney.
As mentioned above, you have started to do your own reading on some of the Maryland medical malpractice legal issues.
Based on this, you now think that you can challenge legal assertions by your lawyer.
If you are taking this type of action it will more than likely be really hard for you to find an attorney who will want to represent you.
Remember, your attorney is there to help you understand the complex legal issues presented in these types of cases.
When you think that you are a know it all that mind set prevents you from being able to listen to the advice that your attorney is giving you with an open mind.
The second red flag which may make it hard for you to find a Maryland medical malpractice attorney is unreasonable expectations.
For example, let’s say that your attorney reviews all of the pertinent matters for your case and comes to a conclusion that your case is worth $20,000.00.
When you hear this you immediately begin to second guess the attorney’s valuation of the case.
You second guess because in your mind your case is worth $200,000.00!
Even though you have no real justification as to the value, you stand by your number.
Thinking like this is going to probably lead your attorney to think that you are being unreasonable.
If you would like to speak with us more about whether your injury us due to medical malpractice, and you do not fit the above categories, this is what we invite you to do.
It costs you nothing to take this next action.
Pick up the phone and give us a call.
We can be reached at 301-850-4832.
We answer Maryland medical malpractice questions like yours all the time and we would be glad to listen to your story.