Cardiovascular surgery is serious.

As a result, doctors and patients need to be as informed as possible before taking part in this procedure.

Any surgery can have risks associated with it.

However, doctors need to do all that they can to not needlessly endanger a patient.

In the area of cardiovascular surgery, many doctors try and create the best relationship they can with the patient before performing the procedure.

Likewise, most, if not all patients who need this type of procedure done are really looking to learn all they can about their condition before agreeing to have the surgery.

The purpose of this article, and above video, is to talk about some important things (the below list is not exhaustive but will get your mind thinking in the right direction) that you may want to speak with your doctor about before undergoing your heart or cardiovascular surgery.

1. What is your complete diagnosis?

2. Does the doctor have an accurate evaluation of the dysfunction caused by the disease and some understanding as to whether it justifies actually having the surgery?

3. What is the natural history of the disease?

4. What is the best mode of treatment for the condition?

5. What is the total risk of the surgery?

6. And what is the predictability of the results of the surgery?

Remember, the above list is not exhaustive, but it will get you in the right mindset to ask the pertinent questions of your doctor.

If you have questions about whether your injury stemming from your cardiovascular or heart surgery is possible medical malpractice, this is what we invite you to do if your matter happened in Maryland.

Pick up the phone and give us a call.

We can be reached at 301-850-4832.

We answer Maryland medical malpractice questions like yours all the time and we would be glad to listen to your story.

Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals.