Doctors Waited Too Long To Deliver Baby Causing Injury
If the doctors wait too long to deliver a baby, the result may be an injury to the baby. Delays can occur when doctors fail to communicate with each other about the patient’s status. This results in communication errors. Communication errors occur when doctors are not on the same page during a medical procedure.
In birth cases communication errors can have devastating effects on not only the mother, but the baby, as well.
If A Communication Error Occurs, What Could Be The Result?
If doctors are not on the same page during a delivery, a baby can suffer brain damage and other permanent injuries. For example, if it is determined that a C-section needs to be performed, doctors must move quickly to deliver the baby. A delay in delivery can deny oxygen to the baby before and during delivery.
When doctors are not paying attention in the delivery room, errors can occur and lead to confusion, risking the health of the mom and baby.
If You Suspect This Has Happened To You Pick Up The Phone. . .
To speak to us further as to whether your baby’s injury is due to the fact that your doctors were not communicating in the delivery room, we invite you to give us a call. We can be reached at 301-850-4832. We answer questions like yours all the time and would be glad to listen to your story.