You think you are the victim of medical malpractice here in Maryland but you have no idea as to what you would need to prove to have a successful case. Want to hear the answer? Stay tuned. Hello, I am Maryland medical malpractice attorney Marcus Boston and I would like to quickly go over with you the three big issues that you would have to prove to be successful in a Maryland medical malpractice case.

First, there must have been some type of error done by your doctor. Another way of looking at this is by saying that the doctor broke one of the safety rules, or the standard of care governing your procedure. This error by the doctor must have second, caused, third some type of harm to you. To better understand harm think about it this way, has the doctor injured you in some way?

For example, do you now have some type of permanent nerve damage due to the errors your surgeon made during your surgery. Or did your doctor miss your diagnosis and now you must suffer because of it. Let me go over it again for you. First, your doctor or medical professional must have made some type of error in your case, which second, caused, third, some type of harm to you.

One word of advice, in these types of cases, the harm done to you must generally be of a serious nature before most Maryland medical malpractice attorneys will take your case. The reason being is that these types of cases can take a long time and can run up a lot of costs to you and your attorney. As a result of this, most Maryland attorneys will not take your case if you have minimal harm done.

So why am I explaining this to you? Because chances are you are on the internet right now trying to find answers to your Maryland legal questions. Because right now you are trying to figure out if you should tell your story to someone. Here’s what you can do, pick up the phone and give me a call. I can be reached at 301-850-4832. Or if you would prefer to send me an email, send me an email at medicalinjury “at” (Remember to replace the “at” with @). We would be glad to hear your story.

Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals.