Maryland medical malpractice attorney Marcus Boston discusses how causation works in a medical malpractice case.

Just the other day we did an educational video on a very important issue that you have to understand if you are thinking about bringing an Maryland medical malpractice case based on a cancer misdiagnosis. In that video we explained essentially that you must be able to show that the actions of the doctor or other medical professional are the cause of your injuries.

In other words, if the cancer misdiagnosis would have been caught initially, but you only had a 5% chance of beating the cancer in the first place, had the doctor caught it, your case would probably not be successful here in Maryland. With that said, we had some people express questions on what we mean by causation in the law.

Causation is just a fancy legal word which deals with the relationship of someone or something’s actions or inactions as they relate to your injury. For example, if a doctor during your surgery makes a mistake, and this mistake leads to permanent nerve damage in your arm, which you could use fine before the surgery, and that nerve damage now prevents you from using your arm, you can argue that the actions of the doctor is what caused you to not be able to use your arm. This is essentially a basic understanding of causation in Maryland medical malpractice cases.

So why am I clearing this up for you today? Because you may have questions regarding a possible medical malpractice case here in Maryland. Because you may need someone to talk to. Pick up the phone and give me a call. I can be reached at 301-850-4832. Or if you think that email works better for you, send me an email to medicalinjury “at” (Remember to replace the “at” with @. We write the email this way to combat email spammers). We would be glad to hear your story.

Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals.