You are sitting in court and you see the lawyer stand a say “objection.” The witness on the stand looks confused and then there is a stop in the trial. The judge looks at the attorney and then a back and forth conversation between the judge and the lawyers ensue.

Want to know what is the purpose of saying “objection” in a trial? Stay tuned. Hello, I’m Maryland medical malpractice attorney Marcus Boston and I would like to quickly help you understand why a lawyer might object to something during trial.

Think of it like this, the word objection allows the record to reflect that the lawyer wants something to not be allowed into evidence. So if a witnesses is testifying and the lawyer says objection, he or she is asking the judge to not allow what the witness is saying to be admitted into evidence.

Now the basis for an objection can be many things. But for the purposes of this video I will give you an example. Let’s say that in a car collision case it is learned that the bystander witness 1 never saw the color of the light at the intersection of the collision. It is further learned that bystander witness 1 learned the color of the light from bystander witness 2 at the scene. Bystander witness 1 is now in court trying to testify as to the color of the light. An attorney should object to bystander witness 1 being able to testify as to the color of the light because bystander witness 1’s testimony is clear hearsay.

So now you know what objection at trial means and one of the reasons it may be done. If you would like to ask me a question regarding your Maryland medical malpractice case give me a call at 301-850-4832. If email is better send me an email at medicalinjury “at” (Remember to replace the “at” with @. We write the email address like this to combat email spammers). We answer questions like yours all the time and we would be glad to hear your story.

Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals.