Maryland medical malpractice attorney Marcus Boston talks about how you can go about finding the best medical malpractice attorney for your case.

Your doctor has made a very bad mistake during your surgery and you are now wondering, do you have a claim. This mistake could have been a perforated bile duct during gallbladder surgery, to mistakes made by your perioperative team before surgery. But regardless, how do you go about finding the best Maryland medical malpractice attorney for your case?

One factor you should take into consideration when trying to find a Maryland attorney for your medical malpractice claim. And what is it you are wondering? How much information do they have on the web for you to educate yourself about not only your possible claim, but would you be a good fit for that lawyer and law firm.

Let’s face it, going to see a lawyer can be a scary thing when you have no idea as to what the process is all about. Even more basic than that, how do you even know if you will like the lawyer you are thinking about hiring? Remember these types of cases take a long time and you do not want to be stuck with someone you may not really be a good fit.

For example, you are watching this video right now and you get to see who I am, and not in some stuffy big lawyer words way, just plain English. This is what I mean by gathering information before hiring the attorney.

If you have any questions for me, or would like for us to mail to you a complimentary copy of our latest book on what you need to know before filing a medical malpractice case here in Maryland, give me a call at 301-850-4832. If email would be better, send me an email at medicalinjury “at” (Remember to replace the “at” with @. We write the email this way to combat email spammers). We answer questions like yours all the time and we would be glad to hear your story. Just remember, because of Bar rules we can only mail the book to you if you have a Maryland address.

Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals.