by Marcus Boston | Oct 31, 2013 | Birth Injuries, Blog
You were told very little as you left the hospital after the delivery of your child about his or her nerve injury to their arm. But now you are beginning to wonder if the injury could have been prevented altogether. To get a better understanding of how these types of...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 31, 2013 | Birth Injuries, Blog
What should pregnant women know about shoulder dystocia? Shoulder dystocia is a birth complication that is caused when the baby is partially delivered. The head is out while the baby’s shoulders are stuck behind the pelvis. This could result in paralysis of the...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 29, 2013 | Birth Injuries, Blog
Your child has been born with a birth injury and you now learn that you had gestational diabetes during your pregnancy, but was never screened for it. Are you now wondering what is gestational diabetes and what roll if any it could have played in your child’s...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 29, 2013 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
You see on most TV shows that all the cases that they have go to trial. If you think that you are the victim of medical malpractice will your case be a guaranteed trial? Want to hear the answer? Stay tuned. Hello, I am Maryland medical malpractice attorney Marcus...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 29, 2013 | Birth Injuries, Blog
The doctor is now telling you that your child has a birth injury called Klumpke’s palsy. You are now learning this for the first time because when you left the hospital you were given little to no answer as to why your child’s arm is paralyzed. Are you...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 28, 2013 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
So you think that you are the victim of medical malpractice but you don’t know what to do next or how you would go about proving that your doctor or hospital should be held responsible for your injuries? Want to hear the answer? Stay tuned. Hello, I am medical...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 27, 2013 | Birth Injuries, Blog
You have just given birth and you learn that shoulder dystocia was present during delivery. This is the first time that you have heard of this and you are now wondering what lies in store for your child. Want to learn more about this condition? Stay tuned. Hello, I am...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 27, 2013 | Birth Injuries, Blog
After giving birth you have now learned that your child is suffering from brachial plexus palsy. Based on this information, you are now wondering how this could have happened and what exactly is this condition. Want to learn more? Stay tuned. Hello, I am Maryland...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 25, 2013 | Blog, Wrongful Death Cases
When a loved one passes, especially all of a sudden, and while in a doctor’s care, a family can be placed under a lot of strain. But when families have serious questions surrounding their loved one’s death, seldom do they know what to do. If you are one of...
by Marcus Boston | Oct 25, 2013 | Blog, How Lawsuits Work
Your doctor has made an error in your case and now you are suffering serious injures because of it. You think that by explain your situation to the doctor through the form of a letter that your doctor will read it and try to come to a resolution of the case with you....