Maryland medical malpractice attorney Marcus Boston talks about breast cancer misdiagnosis for young women. The main purpose of the video is to let young woman know that if they feel that their doctor is not listening to their complaints, or that something just does not seem right about their treatment, or lack thereof, it is ok to seek a second opinion.

Too many times young woman, especially those with no history of breast cancer in their family, think that there is nothing they can do when their concerns are not listened to by their treating doctor. Especially in cases where a lump is found in the early stages and the doctor is suggesting the “wait and see” approach even though the lump seems to be growing larger.

You know your body and it is your life to live!

If you think that your breast cancer has been misdiagnosed or not treated correctly, give us a call at 301-850-4832 or send us an email at We would be glad to speak with you and hear your story. Thanks for watching and make it a great day!

Marcus Boston is a Maryland medical malpractice attorney who helps people navigate the Maryland childbirth injury and medical malpractice process to get money for their injuries caused by the carelessness of doctors and hospitals.